Smile train

Cleft lip palate is the second most common birth deformity and each year 35,000 children are born with this deformity.
At Meenakshi Hospital Thanjavur in collaboration with Smile Train we have successfully done reconstructive surgeries for 1000+ children who were suffering from such birth deformity. Smile Train is a New York based charity organization which shares the burden with us in treating these birth deformity patients and therefore, we are able to treat these needy patients totally free of cost.

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Treatment & Procedures

The challenge of the family of a cleft child is not limited to the isolated facial deformity rather it is more complex in nature. These babies may additionally have associated organ anomalies, feeding difficulties and airway problems. If not addressed at the earliest may lead to failure to thrive. At MHT, we thoroughly screen patient to evaluate the cardiac status and other vital organs of each cleft baby.

Under our nutrition program we guide the care taker in regard to feeding and nutrition and additionally provide formula milk, nutritional supplement and cereals for the underprivileged family for the malnourished babies. Even after closure of lip and palate gap these children may have disabilities like unclear speech and deformities which may not let them grow to have a symmetric face. Such patient’s needs are much more than just reconstructive surgery. They need speech therapy to develop an intelligible speech, orthodontic treatment and jaw surgeries to achieve a symmetric face which enables them to lead a life of dignity in society.

The psychological impact of an untreated or a sub optimally treated facial deformity cannot be overemphasised. Therefore the right treatment given at appropriate age is crucial to get the best results for a child’s physical, emotional and social well being.. At Meenakshi hospital we have a strong team of doctors and other professionals who are trained additionally in cleft care and under the comprehensive cleft care program we are able to cater all the needs of a cleft patient at different stages of development.





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